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Image by Visax


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Image by Visax
Image by Visax
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I am SUPER excited for this brand new single release, "On Eagle's Wings" (released April 11th, 2021). Most know me for being a singer/vocalist, but first and foremost, I am a pianist & arranger of music. There is just something magical about playing the piano and transforming the piece into a crescendoing full blown orchestral sound.


A little fun fact; the flute was my very first instrument (and then eventually piano became my main instrument). However, the flute continues to be my most favorite solo instrument of all. So I am super excited to be featuring Dario Cei (from Italy) on the Alto Flute.


It's my utmost hope & desire is that this musical piece will bless you and infuse in you a new sense of peace, hope & inspiration on your journey so that you will feel "raised up on eagle's wings".


Although this is an instrumental piece, this song does have lyrics (click here) written by Father Michael Joncas (composer of contemporary Catholic Music, best known for the hymn written in 1979, "On Eagle's Wings") The words of this hymn are very encouraging and will most definitely give you hope and peace on your journey. 


To hear more on the back story of my release, visit "On Eagle's Wings - The Heart and Intent of this Single" Music Notes" on my Music Blog


Please be sure to subscribe to my music list to stay up to date with my news, releases, contests and special giveaways too!


Thanks so much for your love & support of my music.


"Sharing the gift of music, one note at a time..."


Much Love,


LT Turner Jr, Music Artist

On Eagle's Wings


By Michael Joncas and Dan Edwards

Copyright Choristers Guild


Producer & Arranger: LT Turner Jr

Piano: LT Turner Jr

Alto Flute: Dario Cei

Orchestration: Iliya Ryakhovskiy

Engineer: Shordeli (Bryan Shortell)

Album Art Photo: Pexels

Graphic & Motion Artist: Mst. Jannatun Ferdaus


Thank you 310201.JPG

"On Eagle's Wings" sounded so wonderful! Sounds like a soundtrack from a movie. Love the graphics too. Amazing! Great job and well done! Bravo, dear friend!

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Thanks for blessing me with this encouraging instrumental! My spirit is already feeling lifted up! Excellent timing!

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This song was richly arranged. Sounds like a soundtrack to a romance movie!

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That is some epic orchestration my friend! 

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You are SO amazing and so incredibly talented.  God really gave you a special gift my friend.  A beautiful masterpiece!

Thank you music ff722ee18c49536854b963b3

You created a rich tapestry with On Eagle's Wings. The song floats and soars.

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Love the accelerating crescendo in this piece, where you feel like God has truly lifted you up on Eagle's wings.

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Thank you for making this available.  It’s incredible.

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