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Thanksgiving In the New Year - My Reflections

Writer's picture: LT Turner JrLT Turner Jr

Updated: Dec 25, 2023

Thanksgiving In the New Year - My Reflections

Wow, it's a New Year! Can you believe it? I know for me, the beginning of the year reminds me of spring time. This is a season of new beginnings. New goals, new intentions, and a new focus.

Whether you desire to be more kind and loving this year, meditate more,  work out more, lose weight, become financially free, or finally start that home business, all these can most certainly become a reality if you stayed focused, persistent and never give up! 

As most of you know I am a firm believer in the power of Gratitude. It can do wonders in your life, if you put it to practice. You can literally have thanksgiving in the new year and throughout the entire year!

A Interesting Observation on the word "Thanksgiving"

As 2018 was ending, I was thinking about the word "Thanksgiving" and found an interesting observation about the word. In the US, we celebrate "Thanksgiving" in November. And for those of us who celebrate across the world, we celebrate Christmas in December.

Thanksgiving is a season of "Thanks", as in giving thanks. And Christmas is a season of "Giving". 

I found it truly interesting how if you break up the word, you have a season of Thanks followed by a season of Giving. Could this mean anything? I would like to think so. The two most magical seasons of all are so close together and have such aligned meanings in the words. 

However, this is not why I am writing this blog post. I wanted to write on my personal reflections on the season of "Thanks" and the season of "Giving. 

Thanksgiving - The Season of Thanks

Thanksgiving is such a great season. It's a time where family and friends come together to celebrate and give thanks for each other and for the bounty of food and blessings that has been bestowed upon us. And although this is certainly a wonderful thing, it made me think about something. 

Am I thankful for ME? So often we belittle ourselves and and don't express gratitude to ourselves. I know that may sound strange, but its true. We must be able to express gratitude to ourselves and even appreciate our accomplishments as well. 

In reading a personal development book (I read so many, I can't remember which book I read this from) - but it says its a good thing to look in the mirror every day and say "Thank you for being YOU". This is important and part of the self love process. If we don't love or appreciate ourselves, how can we effectively love others and appreciate those around us? 

So next time you look in the mirror, give yourself a pat on the back and declare to yourself, "Thank you for being YOU". 

Christmas - The Season of Giving

Christmas is such a magical time of the year. I know for me, it seems as if the entire world stops and learn to love and be kind to each other. (I vote for Christmas all year long!)

It's also the magical season of giving. It's in our human nature to give to those we love. We want to make those we love happy and shower them with gifts. 

However, I thought about this concept of giving. Is giving gifts really enough?

My beautiful and wonderful sister moved away to another state. 2018 was the first Christmas in about 40 years that we were not together for Christmas. It made me remember all the wonderful Christmas' we shared together. 

It was not the gifts that I remembered the most, it was the times we shared together that mattered the most. 

In December a good friend of mine had me over for dinner and game night. Another friend of mine met me for lunch and spent time with me at my home. 

Those are the special moments that mean the most to me. So what am I saying here? 

Although gifts are a wonderful way to show someone you love them or care for them. But the gift of YOU and YOUR time is absolutely the greatest gift you can give someone. 

A New Year of Beginnings

As you go through this year, remember two things:

1) Be thankful for YOU

2) Give the gift of YOU and YOUR time

"For the greatest gift you can give someone is YOU" - LT Turner Jr

All the best to you in this year!

Be Blessed & Inspired Always, LT Turner Jr Inspirational Enthusiast

P.S. Missed My Last Blog? No problem.

"Believe & Never Give Up On Your Dreams"

- LT Turner Jr

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